For a number of years back in the very late 1980’s and early 1990’s, the Florida State Games used to host a Business of Sports Symposium. As a new kid running a CVB in Lincoln, Nebraska, it was a great way to learn more about this new sales specialty. There weren’t many CVBs involved then. It was mostly sports commissions with some of them tussling with CVBs to get part of the lodging tax dollars.
So, this young guy from North Carolina, Hill Carrow, tried to organize a “National Association of Sports Commissions”. It didn’t resonate on the first try. He persisted, and a few of us started to listen. Along the way, we created the bones of the organization deciding such a group should be dedicated to sharing information with each other and rights holders, along with quality, professional education. The NASC was officially born in a meeting room in St. Louis with about fourteen people in attendance.
Why tell you ...
More than 900 members and events rights holders attended the 2016 NASC Sports Event Symposium in Grand Rapids to elect new NASC leadership, honor members with national awards and participate in dozens of continuing education programs led by industry leadership.
“As the only only not-for-profit trade association for the sport tourism industry offering an annual meeting for serious-minded sport tourism professionals, we enjoyed a week of educational programs to share best practices in the industry as well as honoring those doing great work in our member communities,” said Don Schumacher, CSEE, executive director of the NASC. “In future years, our
members will have the opportunity to visit three fantastic American cities in Sacramento, Minneapolis and San Diego as we host our annual Symposium in each city.”
The Symposium Committee is currently developing the schedule, recommended pricing structure and other important elements of the planning process. The Board of...
As your professional association continues toward its 25th Anniversary at our 2017 Sports Event Symposium in Sacramento, it seems a good time to look back on the process that led to adopting bylaws and obtaining not-for- profit status. The process itself took three years, and perhaps what is most important is this: the NASC was founded to be THE place where host organizations could gather and share experiences.
The first conversations regarding an association took place in 1989. A volunteer committee was formed and work continued through 1990 and 1991, culminating in adoption of bylaws and the election of officers and directors April 10-11, 1992. The single person deserving of credit for making this process work is Hill Carrow. Hill made certain our organizational meetings had agendas and minutes and each meeting resulted in progress.
Those persons present in 1992 and still involved in the NASC besides Hill are Vicky Comegys, Dennis Gann, Mike Millay, Dan Quandt, and myself.
For many of you, whether you’re an events rights holder or operate a sports venue, this is your Christmas season—it’s your busiest, most frantic time of the year as schools let out and summer sports organizations kick into high event gear. You’ll be working on multi-session, multi-day tournaments and won’t be able to catch your breath until the last champion is crowned.
So this is a good time to remind all of us, in between cursing the rain, the broken popcorn maker and the late t-shirt delivery, why we do what we do in sports, especially youth sports.
Earlier this year, Fortune Magazine published an article, “Here’s Why Women Who Play Sports Are More Successful” by Beth Brooke-Marciniak, global vice chair of public policy at EY.
A study by Michigan State University’s Institute for the Study of Youth Sports confirms what we all know—about 70% of children in the U.S drop out of organized sports before age 13. We’...
Check out our line-up of best practices and event webinars below and reserve your spot today!
Financing Sport Tourism & Recreation Assets, Part II
Best Practices Webinar
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Presented by Don Schumacher
Register Now!
Join NASC Executive Director, Don Schumacher, CSEE as he presents a follow up to the Financing Sport Tourism session that was presented in Grand Rapids, MI during the 24th NASC Symposium.
During this webinar, Don will discuss proven methods, critical elements, and insight to demystify the financing process for new sports venues. This is a webinar for those with an interest in new project development and those desiring to broaden their knowledge related to project finance.
There will be time at the end of the webinar for questions. If you are unable to join us on the 25th, you can download the recording from the webinar archives page on
NASC Economic Impact Calculator
Best Practices Webinar
What a week it was in Grand Rapids! We want to thank everyone who attended the 24th NASC Sports Event Symposium. We had a blast and we hope you did too, but we also hope you took something (or many somethings) away from your meetings and networking during the week that will help you now that you’re back in the office. We learned lots during our week in Grand Rapids, including:
You love our educational components. We heard time and time again that you appreciate the educational opportunities that NASC offers, not just at meetings (like the CSEE program) but links and contacts that are available 24/7 on the NASC website. We hope more of you can take advantage of any and all of our opportunities to learn from each other.
You recommend NASC to your friends who aren’t members (yet). As NASC membership grows, we’re always looking for ways to reach those who are in the sports tourism business, but who aren’t members of NASC. You told us that you...
GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN (April 7, 2015) – The National Association of Sports Commissions (NASC), the governing body of the $9.45 billion sport tourism industry, celebrated the industry and its leadership at its 24th annual symposium held here this week.
More than 900 members and events rights holders attended this week’s NASC Symposium to elect new NASC leadership, honor members with national awards and participate in dozens of continuing education programs led by industry leadership.
“As the only non-profit industry association offering an annual meeting for serious-minded sport tourism professionals, we enjoyed a week of educational programs to share best practices in the industry as well as honoring those doing great work in our member communities,” said Don Schumacher, CSEE, executive director of the NASC. “In future years, our members will have the opportunity to visit three terrific American cities in Sacramento, Minneapolis and San Diego a...
National Veterans Golden Age Games - Event Webinar sponsored by MGM Resorts International
Join Jeanene LeSure from National Veterans Golden Age Games as she discusses their RFP for the 2020 Golden Age Games and what they look for in a host destination. If you are unable to join us on the 14th, you can download the webinar recording from our Webinar Archives (login required).
Date: Monday, March 14, 2016
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Register Now
Starting Your Own State Games - Best Practices Webinar
Join Eric Engelbarts, National Congress of State Games membership chairman, as he discusses how your CVB or Sports Commission can leverage your existing sport director relationships to build an event that you own and operate that can contribute to your mission of ‘heads in beds’ and act as a potential revenue source for your organization. Engelbarts most recently started the State Games of Michigan as a signature event of the West Michigan Sports Commission. The State Game...