General Resources for the Media

Sports ETA Publications

Get in the Game eNews - #1 Weekly News Source for the Sports events and Tourism Industry

Delivered to 2,500 sports events and tourism professionals' inbox each week, Get in the Game eNews includes articles relevant to industry. Members are encouraged to submit their news and content.

Distribution Date: Thursdays

Deadline for content: Wednesday at Noon before distribution date
Media Kit

Sports ETA Playbook

The official quarterly publication of Sports ETA. 7,500 digital copies distributed quarterly.

Distribution Date: February, May, August, November

Deadline for content: 15th of the month prior to publication

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Looking to share your expertise?

In an effort to enhance the overall content of Sports ETA’s publications, The Sports ETA​ Playbook and Get in the Game eNews, we’d like to include peer-written articles in future editions. As a member of Sports ETA, your knowledge of the industry lends itself to unprecedented expertise. And we’re hoping you’ll share this expertise with your peers through well-written commentary.

Submission Guidelines

*All content should be approximately 400 words and author should provide a minimum of two photos (author head shot and photo for topic).

Our Media Advisers at Game Day Communications can help with final edits.

Please submit all content for any Sports ETA publications to And don’t forget to add Sports ETA to your media distribution list to have your news included regularly in our publications. Just have your media relations department add to its distribution list.

Media Contacts

Looking to schedule an interview or need more information for a story? Contact Sports ETA's PR and Media Advisory Firm, Game Day Communications.

Jackie Reau
Game Day Communications