Choose your organization type to learn more:
Destinations Industry Partners Event Owners
A typical reverse tradeshow is where attendees engage with the exhibitors through pre-scheduled meeting appointments. The advantage of a reverse tradeshow is that exhibitors are guaranteed booth traffic during pre-scheduled appointment times rather than simply hoping attendees stop by during open exhibit hours.
Appointments are a benefit of membership, which is why membership is required in order to schedule appointments. One of the unique things about being a member is the ability to promote your organization not only at the Symposium, but throughout the year. It adds a level of credibility and shows that you are invested in the sports events and tourism industry.
Destinations do not have booths in the Sports ETA Marketplace. Instead, members of your organization will visit industry partners and event owners at their booths during pre-scheduled appointment times to learn about event owners and their bid requirements or industry partners' products and services. Appointments are 8 minutes with a 2 minute travel time between appointments. These quick "speed dating" type meetings are an opportunity to introduce yourself and your organization as well as exchange basic information.
We are unable to guarantee a certain number of appointments. In 2023, the average number of appointments scheduled per destination was 19 pre-scheduled appointments.
The number of appointments able to be scheduled is dependent on a variety of factors, especially how you prioritize your appointment requests, so it is extremely important to take the time to prioritize your requests. While you may block out times in your schedule that you are unavailable, we do not encourage blocking out time unless absolutely necessary. Blocking out time on your schedule will limit the number of appointments able to be scheduled.
Only the first registered attendee will have access to the portal and will receive an email notification when the portal opens.
Before requesting an appointment with an organization, review their profile in the member directory. Ask yourself the following questions: Does my destination have the venues/facilities needed to host this sports event? Is this particular sport played in our part of the country? Do we have someone involved locally that we can call to learn more about the sport/event? Request your highest priority first and then lesser priorities. If you have an existing client - rather than take an appointment time away from someone else, consider scheduling a meeting outside of Sports Marketplace time.
Appointment schedules will be distributed approximately one week prior to the start of the Symposium.
Please note that the first attendee registration must be paid in full to access the appointment request portal. If you have selected to be invoiced, you will not gain access to the appointment portal until your payment has been received. Your annual membership dues must also be paid in full by January 31, 2024 to access the portal and receive your appointment schedule.
Business cards, and plenty of them! Create a one-sheeter for your individual appointments. Your one-sheeter should include information about your destination and your organization's services. Do not overwhelm event owners with materials. Send any information when following up after the Symposium.
Individual appointments will be held at the booth of the event owner or vendor with whom you have an appointment. This is a one-on-one opportunity and a chance for you to make a quick introduction, exchange contact information, and either begin the sales process with event owners or gather information about a vendors products and services.
If you don't receive an appointment you requested, don't fret! For a variety of reasons, not all appointments requested will be able to be scheduled. We recommend preparing a targeted list of event owners you want to meet at the Symposium so you can seek them out if you do not get an appointment with them.
There will be multiple meal functions in the Marketplace throughout the week. This unstructured time in the Marketplace will allow for additional opportunities to meet with event owners who aren’t on your appointment schedule. There will also be a happy hour in the Marketplace on Wednesday evening to allow for even more opportunities to meet informally.
If you have any trouble finding an event owner during the Symposium, visit the Member Services Desk at registration, and a member of the Sports ETA Staff will help you get in touch with that organization.
The Marketplace is designed to assist in lead generation and business development with new contacts in the sports events and tourism industry. You should not expect to close business in the Marketplace, but rather foster lasting relationships with potential clients.
Companies should choose to exhibit because they want to promote their brand, products, and services to destinations and event owners alike.
One of the unique things about being a member is the ability to promote your brand not only at the Symposium, but throughout the year. It adds a level of credibility and shows that you are invested in the success of the industry in addition to your company’s interests in increasing its market share. Membership is required to participate in appointments.
Destinations come to your booth during pre-scheduled appointment times to learn about your products and services and how you can help them be more efficient, productive and successful in hosting sports events. All parties (destinations, vendors, and event owners) have the ability to accept, decline and prioritize appointment requests. The highest priority for destinations is to meet with event owners and vice versa. Destinations may stop by your booth during appointment hours when they are not otherwise scheduled to meet with an event owner. Appointments are 8 minutes with a 2 minute travel time between appointments. These quick "speed dating" type meetings are an opportunity to introduce yourself and your organization as well as exchange basic information.
The primary purpose of a vendor attending the Symposium should be to meet with destinations. However, appointments with event owners that are mutually accepted and able to be scheduled based on both parties’ availability, will be included as a pre-scheduled appointment. This appointment will take place in the Event Owner’s booth – not yours. This is why two registrations are included with each exhibitor package. One company representative needs to be in the booth to meet with destinations, and one company representative needs to be available to meet with event owners and network on the Marketplace floor.
Industry Partner members have the option to attend the Symposium without exhibiting. This option does not include appointment schedules. The best way to maximize your exposure with destinations and event owners and show your commitment to the industry is to exhibit.
The Marketplace is designed to assist in lead generation and business development with new contacts in the sports events and tourism industry. You should not expect to close business in the Marketplace, but rather foster lasting relationships with potential clients. With exposure to 1,000 attendees, your brand will be seen as a leader in the industry and one that values the ability to network with serious-minded sports events and tourism professionals.
All confirmed exhibitors will receive an email from the Sports ETA Symposium Official Exhibitor Services Contractor 60 days in advance of the event. In the meantime, please contact Sports ETA Member Services with any questions.
A typical reverse tradeshow is where attendees engage with the exhibitors through pre-scheduled meeting appointments. The advantage of a reverse tradeshow is that event owners are guaranteed booth traffic during pre-scheduled appointment times rather than simply hoping attendees stop by during open exhibit hours.
Event owners should participate to promote your sport(s) and events to destinations interested in hosting your events.
Travel assistance includes up to four (4) nights at a host hotel (room and tax only, does not cover incidentals) and either airfare reimbursement (up to $500 including taxes and fees) OR mileage reimbursement (up to $400) plus self-parking at a host hotel parking garage (up to $100). You are responsible for booking your own airfare. Submit your flight itinerary and receipt no later than March 31, 2025 HERE. Once registered for the Symposium, you will receive an email confirmation with a unique link for booking your hotel room online. Sports ETA is not responsible for any incidental charges to your hotel room during your stay.
Download Travel Assistance Agreement
Destinations and vendors come to your booth during pre-scheduled appointment times to learn about your events. All parties (destinations, vendors, and event owners) have the ability to request, accept, decline, and prioritize appointment requests. Appointments are 8 minutes with a 2 minute break appointments. These quick "speed dating" type meetings are an opportunity to introduce yourself and your organization as well as exchange basic information.
Individual appointments will be held at your booth. This is a one-on-one opportunity and a chance for you to make a quick introduction and exchange contact information. Event owners have 10 minutes to give a general rundown of your event and its requirements and ask questions about the destination or vendor. Make sure you do your homework before the Symposium. This will allow you to ask specific questions about a venue or hotels etc. for that particular destination. Think of this as speed dating for business. You want to be able to sell yourself and your organization in 10 minutes. The point of these appointment is not to iron out details about an event but more to determine if the both of you are a good fit and if you should follow up with each other.
Be honest and direct. If a destination isn’t going to work for you let them know, but let them know why. For example, if the venue isn’t currently big enough to hold your event let them know. This may lead to them telling you that in 2 years a new bigger venue is opening up that can hold your tournament. People appreciate the honesty so that they do not waste their time for the two weeks following up thinking they have a chance to land one of your events. Not everyone will be happy about it but there is no need to waste your time or their time on something that just isn’t going to happen.
Business cards, and plenty of them! Bring RFPs (requests for proposal) for any events that you have available for bid. If you don't have an RFP for your event(s), then create a one-sheeter that outlines information about your event, what you need, and who to contact about it. Include minimum host requirements for the event and give destinations with whom you meet something to refer to when following up after the Symposium. While some event owners bring signs and banners to add some flare to their booth, it is not required. Some event owners bring table cloths - standard 6' skirted tables will be provided.
The Sports ETA Sports Marketplace is designed to assist in lead generation and business development with new contacts in the sports events and tourism industry. You should not expect destinations to sign contracts in the Marketplace, but rather foster lasting relationships with potential hosts of your future events.
Please note if you have a balance due, it must be paid in full to access the appointment request portal. Your flight itinerary and receipt or mileage reimbursement form must also be submitted before you can access the portal. Your annual membership dues must also be paid in full by January 31, 2024 to access the portal and receive your appointment schedule.
Participating in Marketplace appointments is a requirement to receive travel assistance.