Call for Speakers for Select Sports ETA Events
Posted on: December 6 2022
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In preparation for our lineup of industry-leading in-person events in 2023, Sports ETA is pleased to offer this Call for Speakers for select events. Please read the details carefully and contact Sports ETA with any questions.
This call for proposals is for select Sports ETA’s 2023 in-person events only. Speaking opportunities include the following events:
- Facilities Summit (May 7-8, Kansas City, MO)
- Symposium (May 8-11, Kansas City, MO)
- 4S Summit (October 23-25, El Paso, TX)
Please note that a proposal submission in no way guarantees that your submission will be accepted for these or future Sports ETA events.
Quality Presentations
Quality presentations are paramount to the experience for our members and event attendees. Quality presentations should:
- Cover timely and relevant topics related to aspects of the sports events and tourism industry.
- Be intended to bring new knowledge and insight to the audience and must not be designed as a product or service sales pitch. Sales pitch proposals will be disqualified.
- Include real-life examples and case studies demonstrating the practical application of the topic.
- Cater to specific audiences represented at the proposed event.
- Focus on engaging methods of delivery and session facilitation. Discussion questions, group activities, table topics, in-session idea-sharing, and robust panel discussions are all examples of acceptable engagement methods.
- Session times range from 15 minutes (TED-style presentations) to an hour, depending on the event and the session. Most sessions are roughly 45 minutes. Session length of time will be determined by staff based upon each event’s schedule.
Quality Speakers
- Have well-thought-out and well-prepared session topics.
- Place a high emphasis on industry thought leadership and sharing new information.
- Possess speaking experience and are comfortable tailoring their presentation to the specific audience in attendance.
- Go above and beyond to provide relevant examples and engagement components during their presentation.
Recommended Topics
- Industry trends and issues
- Industry futures
- Technology and innovation
- Data and analysis
- Professional and workforce development
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Funding mechanisms
- Budgeting, finance, and fundraising
- Community value proposition and alignment
- Measuring success
- Organizational resilience
- Event and participation trends
- Venue development
- Marketing and promotion
- Volunteer management
- RFP and bid processes
- Servicing
- Strategy development and implementation
- Impact assessment
- Organizational and event strategy
- Speaking at Sports ETA events is a voluntary commitment.
- Speaking opportunities are not paid (STS courses may be excluded).
- Travel and accommodation expenses for speakers are not reimbursable.
- Speakers are required to pay registration in full for events in which they are speaking and would also like to attend.
- Speakers agree to respond to Sports ETA inquires in a timely fashion and meet all deadlines/obligations requested by staff.
- Speakers agree to promote their involvement in Sports ETA events through use of our provided Speaker Toolkit.
Submissions will be accepted through January 31, 2023. No late submissions will be accepted.
Please note that a proposal submission in no way guarantees that your submission will be accepted for these or future Sports ETA events.