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Cowart Sports Events (CSE) celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Title IX on Memorial Day weekend during their Battle at The Rock youth softball tournament in Little Rock, Arkansas.
To commemorate the event, one softball complex each day was dedicated to only have female umpires on the fields. The first day of the tournament, the 12U bracket was able to witness all female officials, and on the second day of the tournament, the 14U bracket was able to witness all female officials. Many comments were heard on both days from players, coaches, and parents that the girls really enjoyed seeing more women calling their games. One comment went as far as to thank the tournament staff for putting the event together and showcasing the women that serve as role models for the young players.
Banners were hung on the backstop fences in honor of the event to remind us all how far we have come as women in sports and also to serve as a reminder that there is more work to be done in the area of female officials across the nation across all sports.