Posted on: February 7 2022
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Join us on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 3:00 PM ET for our newly formed Outdoor Recreation Community.
Subscribe to this community to receive important updates, information, and call details.
- Introductions
- Discussion topics:
- How can DMOs/sports commissions benefit from an elevated partnership with local/state/national parks, and outdoor recreation offices?
- Our industry naturally encourages a healthy lifestyle. Strategize on ways we can link sports tourism and outdoor recreation together.
- Are there more non-traditional sports, outdoor recreation-related, that our destinations could be pursuing?
- While group focused, not losing sight of leisure aspect. Mutual ways that DMO/sports commissions can give back to their destination with more focus on outdoor tourism. Trail development for example.
- Guest speakers – Discussion around using natural resources as an advantage with hosting alternative
- Tara McCarthy, USA Cycling
- Local parks representative
Click here to join the meeting on February 24th at 3PM ET.
Meeting ID: 895 8392 1762
Passcode: 524047