Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols at 2021 Symposium

 Posted on: September 23 2021
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Sports ETA Attendees:

Sports ETA would like to announce the following health and safety protocols for our upcoming Symposium in Birmingham, AL October 25 - 28, 2021:

  • All attendees must provide proof of vaccination showing the final dose received on or before October 10th or a negative PCR/Rapid-Antigen or home test taken between October 22nd and prior to your arrival in Birmingham.
  • Sports ETA is partnering with Fern Health Check for a digital portal to upload required documentation. You will receive an invitation to this portal, as well as additional details, in mid-October.  Please note that admittance to Symposium, as well as ancillary Summit events, will only be allowed with this documentation.
  • Daily temperature checks will be required for entry into the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex.
  • Sports ETA is implementing touchless check-in for registration, which limits contact for all attendees.
  • Masks will be required for indoor events, regardless of vaccination status, except while eating, drinking, or presenting. Mask wearing at outdoor events is encouraged.
  • All general session and education session rooms will allow for additional spacing.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex. Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex is a GBAC-certified venue and adheres to the highest standards of cleanliness and compliance with COVID safety.
  • Where possible, meals will be provided in individual grab-and-go containers. Our general session meals (Opening Breakfast on Tuesday, Wednesday Keynote Luncheon, and Thursday Closing Luncheon) will feature plated meals, not buffets.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. Please let us know by emailing info@sportseta.org and we will work with you on registration transfer to a future event.

Sports ETA Board of Directors and staff are looking forward to welcoming everyone to Birmingham next month. 



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