Taking a day off when you have nowhere to go

 Posted on: May 11 2020
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Taking a vacation day seems odd to do when you have nowhere to go, but that may be exactly what you need. For those who are working from home, you have probably found some great positives - no microwave meals for lunch, a more relaxed work attire, etc. On the other hand, you may have longer work hours and realize weekends are a thing of the past. Money.com has a few tips to help you reclaim a day off.

That’s when you need to consider taking a mental health day. This way you can get your head back in the game at work and increase productivity.

You have the day off, so now what are you going to do? Depending on where you live, you may be able to go out to a store or two. But if you can’t, consider creating a project for yourself. Scientists have proven that dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone, spikes when you accomplish a task. So it’s a good idea to set a few non-work goals for yourself. Consider deep cleaning your bathroom or painting the home office or trying out a new recipe.

“An extra day or two of non-work projects or relaxing on the couch will never compare to exploring a new city or making memories around a campfire with your family. But accepting what you have can help relieve the stress of the unknown and make you feel more refreshed when you return to your job.”


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