Locally Created Event of the Year
This award is given to a Destination member with the most outstanding locally created event or program for the 2019 calendar year. This event can be newly created or a long-standing event, but must be created by the submitting organization to serve the local community or an organizational need (i.e. fundraising, scholarship, volunteer recruitment, etc.).
Submission Guidelines
Winning organization will be selected based on exemplary performance and merit.
For your entry to be considered, you must address each of the judging criteria categories and clearly address each section of your description as outlined below.
Please include the following in your 1,000-word description (attachments do not count towards word count):
• Section One: Written statement detailing purpose, goals and objectives of the event/program (15 pts)
• Section Two: Measurable examples of level of success in meeting those goals and objectives (35pts)
• Section Three: Creative and effective marketing/public relations campaign to support and promote the event. Please include samples of marketing collateral in your attachments (20pts)
• Section Four: Media coverage of the event/program including, but not limited to newspaper, radio, television, social media, Google Analytics, etc. (20pts)
• Section Five: Include examples of support from community organizations affected by your activities in your attachments (10pts)
For more information, contact Derek Bombeck, dbombeck@lincoln.org, or Meaghan Hughes, mhughes@annarbor.org, Awards Committee Chairs.