Breakout Sessions (Sales, Service, Sponsorship, Strategy)

 Wednesday, Oct 9, 2019
 Click on the individual track for room location
Sales Track: Local Community Programming vs. Sports Tourism Events

Are you working with both your public and private facillites locally? How much of your business is local community events vs. larger sports tourism events? We would dive into destinations that are successful in one or both spaces and why. Will also look at those communities that have been successful in working with private or collegiate venues to host either local or national events.

Dave Longo, Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations, Providence College
Phil Buttafuoco, Executive Director of Special Events, Gillette Stadium
John Rupert, Bryant College

Service Track
What are Rights Holders Expectations After the Contract is Signed
This session explores the realities of relationships from the rights holder perspective after the contract is signed. Mark and Glen provide unique perspectives from both the private company and the NGB perspective.

Mark Cooke, Firecracker Baseball
Glen Schorr, Sports ETA

Sponsorship TrackHow to get the Most Return on Your Investment When Supporting Sports Events in Your Community

Whether it’s through sponsorships, community partnerships, in-kind support, or anything else in between, how does your DMO get the most return on its investment when supporting sports events in your community? This interactive round table session will be led by members from various-sized destinations and different organizational structures in order to appeal to a broad audience by sharing best practices, success stories, and measurement tools.

Brian Persky, Director of Sports Event Development, Discover Kalamazoo
Mike Price, Executive Director, Greater Lansing Sports Authority
Brian Timm, Director of Corporate Partnerships, Greater Columbus Sports Commission

Strategy Track: Leveraging Your Internal Marketing Resources

Many CVB sports departments and sports commissions don't have full-time marketing managers and have struggled to get PR assistance from their internal departments. This session will be a discussion, offering advice on how to collaborate with your marketing manager/staff to get PR assistance/sports media coverage within your destination. We wiill also explore how you and your staff can build your own local PR contacts and filter content with a limited staff. 

Jennifer Hawkins, Executive Director, SportsPITTSBURGH
Janis Ross, Executive Director, Eugene, Cascades & Coast Sports
Ashleigh Bachert, CSEE, Executive Director, Discover Durham

To view all education sessions during 4S Summit, click here

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