Breakout Sessions (Sales, Service, Sponsorship, Strategy)

 Wednesday, Oct 9, 2019
 Click on the individual track for room location
Sales Track: What Do Collegiate Conferences Look for When Selecting Championship Venues and Locations

Panel discussion on what rights holders are looking for when selecting destinations.
Nate Pomeday , Associate Commissioner, Men’s Basketball - American Athletic Conference
Jim Siedliski , Associate Commissioner,  Sport Administration & Sponsorships - American Athletic Conference
Tom Odjakjian, Senior Associate Commissioner, Broadcasting

Service TrackEvent Security

One of the most common concerns for any rights holder or destination is event security. Learn tips and suggestions from two of Providence's most seasoned law enforcement professionals as they address security-related issues at events.

Colonel Hugh Clements, Providence Chief of Police
Sargent Michael Martinous, Providence Police, Detail Coordinator

Sponsorship Track: 5 Steps to Carving the Great Pumpkin of Sponsorship

1. Pick Your Pumpkin | Define Your Story
2. Cut off the Crown & Scoop Out the Insights | Data-Driven Approach
3. Create Your Unique Design & Draw Outline | Innovation Mindset
4. Carve Your Masterpiece | Pitch Perfect Process
5. Light It Up & Display Proudly! | Announcement & Relationship Building

Speaker: Katie Foglia, 4 FRONT

Strategy TrackNavigating Local Politics

Working with your local, regional and national politicians.

John Shaner, Director of Parks & Recreation, SALEM, Virginia's Championship City
Carey Harveycutter, Director of Tourism, SALEM, Virginia's Championship City
Charles Breagy, Owner, Run Rhody

To view all education sessions during 4S Summit, click here

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