4S Summit Room Rates Double After 9/26/22
Posted on: September 21 2022
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This fall, we're thinking strategically and we hope you'll join us. Part of thinking strategically includes planning ahead. That said, the deadline to book a hotel room in our 4S block (at our really great rate 😊) is quickly approaching -- 4 days to be exact.
Whether you've already registered for the 4S Summit or not, if you are planning to attend and you haven't booked a room yet, don't wait another day. After the September 26th deadline, hotel rates go up. Way up.
So think strategically and get your room booked! 👇
Book Hotel Room
The Westin Sarasota
100 Marina View Drive
Sarasota, FL 34236
4S Summit Attendee Rate: $169/night
The room block cut-off is September 26, 2022.
All 4S & RH Summit functions will take place at The Westin Sarasota, unless otherwise specified.