National Association of Sports Commissions Releases Annual State of the Industry Report

 Posted on: April 13 2017
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The National Association of Sports Commissions (NASC), in conjunction with Ohio University, released its annual State of the Industry Report for the sport event industry, and the survey shows the industry continues to be strong throughout the country.

Estimated visitor spending associated with sports events in 2016 was $10.47 billion, a 10% increase from 2015, when the total was $9.45 billion. Between 2012 and 2016, according to the study, visitor spending in the United States has increased at a strong 26.1%.

“The survey results show that sport event continues to be a major economic driver,” said Alan Kidd, president and CEO of NASC. “Our members lead the way in holding well-run events that keep rights holders as well as participants coming back year after year.”

Other findings from the report show that 97% of the organizations have seen either consistent sponsorship revenue streams or an increase in sponsorship revenues for their events. Individual organizations reported they were the hosts, on average of 53 sports events over the last year, an 18% increase from 2015.

NASC members also showed high participation in community health and wellness initiatives. The survey found that 29 organizations were involved with community-based health and wellness activities in 2016, with emphasis on youth-based programs.

The entire 2016 State of the Industry report can be found here.



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