4 Solutions to consider if you didn’t get an individual appointment you wanted

 Posted on: March 1 2016

Sometimes we request an appointment, and due to the large amount of requests made, the appointment request is unable to be scheduled. Luckily for us, there a lot of opportunities available during the NASC Symposium to meet with anyone even if you do not have an Individual Appointment with them.


  • Attend as many events that NASC has to offer – education sessions, opening and closing luncheons, happy hours and other activities that are offered throughout the week. While attending these events, use this as an opportunity to find the event owner you need to meet.  Mix and mingle and meet with other event owners and peers in the industry, too. They may have insight into the event you are interested in and could introduce you to exactly who you are looking for. Check out all of your opportunities here.


  • Contact the individual/organization you were hoping to meet prior to the Symposium and see if they have time to meet with you personally. Look at the schedule in advance, and see if they would like to meet during a reception, before/after Marketplace appointments, or plan a dinner. Perhaps you both are planning on participating in the 5k guided walk/run tour of Grand Rapids and could enjoy some business talk while burning some calories.  Contacting them prior to the event and proving you will meet with them outside of marketplace appointments shows your commitment and interest in their events.


  • Scan their booth. Sometimes appointments don’t show up or don’t take as long as scheduled. When you don’t have an appointment walk by their booth and see if they are free and request to talk with them briefly. Be respectful of anyone that may be waiting behind you in case they are late for their appointment and should be meeting with them during that time.


  • Attend Event Overview Appointments! Event Overview Appointments offer event owners the opportunity to share information about their organization and what it takes to host an event with destinations whom they have not done business. Learn more about the appointment process here.

Please use these possible solutions to make the most of your NASC Symposium experience and to meet with any event owner with whom you do not have a scheduled appointment.


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